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Stoneham Park Academy

We are absolutely thrilled with how much our daughter loves school. The  enthusiasm and dedication of the staff have ensured she feels safe and settled.  Quote from a Year R parent.


Welcome toStoneham Park
Primary Academy

Thank you for your interest in our school. Stoneham Park Academy is a brand new 315 place primary academy for children aged  4-11. We are very proud to be sponsored by the University of Winchester. 

Newly opened in September 2020 to Year R pupils and situated at the heart of the new North Stoneham development in Eastleigh, our school offers a high quality, values driven education. 

Aspirational  Inspiring  Inclusive  Sustainable  Joyful

Please get in touch with us if you would like to know more about our wonderful new school or if you would like to come along to one of our open events.


our school Welcome

What's Happening

Welcome to stoneham park primary academy

  We currently have some space in our Year 4 class

  Please apply for your child's space via Hampshire Admissions  

Link to Stoneham Park Primary Academy's Admissions page


Please visit: Prospective Parent Information & Visits